Transcending Trauma and Abuse: Mastering Your Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Health is a program designed to help you RECLAIM your life and learn how to thrive on all levels--mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

By clearing the root of your deepest traumas and all of their side effects, which include mental health issues, addictions, depression, and anxiety.

You allow yourself to experience peace from within and fulfillment that comes from living a fully aligned reality.

It is time to stop living in trauma, survival and Start THRIVING on ALL LEVELS!


You've been through a lot...

You know what it feels like to live in survival mode, doing whatever you can just to get by... But it's time for that to change!

Transcending Trauma and Abuse: Mastering Your Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Health is a program designed to help you RECLAIM your life and learn how to thrive on all levels--mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. By clearing the root of your deepest traumas and all of their side effects, which include mental health issues, addictions, depression, and anxiety...

You allow yourself to experience peace from within and fulfillment that comes from living a fully aligned reality.





So you can easily feel inspired and activated each and every day to live the life

you know you were born to live!

Tarek Bibi has positively impacted the lives of 1000 people worldwide and now he is ready to help you! By living through some of the biggest traumas imaginable, Tarek is a living example of what's possible on the other side of that. He has developed one of the fastest result-based modalities in the world and has put it into a powerful healing program that can quickly and easily transform your life.


Available for a limited time only.

Transcending Trauma & Abuse Program

Save $123


6 Deep Dive Healing Audios to Move From Survival to Thriving

3 Live Group Healing Sessions

or you can pay $155/month



6 Deep Dive Healing Audios to Move From Survival to Thriving

Value: $900

In this program you will transform strategically through Tarek's 6 step process that will help you:
Healing Audio 1: Heal your inner child's trauma and abuse
Healing Audio 2: Heal relationship with family members
Healing Audio 3: Forgive self and others on all levels
Healing Audio 4: Experience Your Infinite Self Worth
Healing Audio 5: Clear all the shame and blame
Healing Audio 6: Clear all addictions


3 Live Group

Healing Sessions

During each of the 3 live group sessions with Tarek, you will take a deep dive into your core trauma and heal it from the root.

To do this, you will experience an energy scan to pinpoint where the trauma is stored in your body and clear it. Tarek will also do a channeled group healing that will deepen your healing in this interactive live call.

The Group Calls and Distance Healing will increase the potency of the healing even more and give you even more personalized healing directed by Source


What Customers Say

About Tarek Bibi

"With Tarek's healings and guidance, I've had SO many clients reach out to me. I've made over $70,000 in just a few months!"


"After our personal session, I received an unexpected $1600, a raise of $700/month AND I was gifted a meditation retreat worth $1,400! And that's just the beginning, thank you for your wonderful work!""


"This Healing Trauma session Module 1 was a fantastic healing session. It went so incredibly deep and covered so many areas of trauma. If you are looking for a program anywhere in depth then this is the right program."



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